by Ian Seaton | Sep 14, 2022 | Blog
The Convergence of Tech: Why IT and Facilities are Coming Together There is still only one generally applicable explanation for the convergence of tech whereby IT and facilities are coming together: someone upstairs dictated it.Granted, there are some variations on... by Ian Seaton | Feb 24, 2016 | Blog
Specifying High ΔT Servers vs. Low ΔT Servers Specifying computer equipment for a data center, might on the surface, appear to be one of the most basic of IT activities, however it can also have a profound impact on the data center mechanical plant and the overall... by Ian Seaton | Nov 11, 2015 | Blog
The Importance of Mutual Understanding Between IT and Facilities Decisions and actions typically under the jurisdiction of the IT side of data center management can have a profound impact on the mechanical plant functions and resultant operating costs of the data...