[WEBINAR] The Perimeter-Less Data Center: A Look at Security, Automation, and Robotics in Digital Infrastructure13 min read

by | Apr 27, 2022 | Blog

Presented by Bill Kleyman, Executive Vice President of Digital Solutions, Switch
This past year has been a lesson in challenges and how to overcome some of the most difficult times many can remember. Data center and technology leaders had to scramble to leverage new technologies and solutions to stay ahead of the curve. It wasn’t easy, but many adopted new and innovating technologies to help modernize and innovate their business. This includes new security methods, greater levels of automation, and even robotics. In this webinar, we’ll review the latest findings from the AFCOM State of the Data Center report with regards to automation and new robotics systems. Furthermore, we’ll discuss how today’s data centers are evolving into perimeter-less entities which require a new look at security for both physical as well as logical assets. This session will explore zero-trust security models, new applications around robotics, and real-world use-cases focusing on automation in the data center.

Real-time monitoring, data-driven optimization.

Immersive software, innovative sensors and expert thermal services to monitor,
manage, and maximize the power and cooling infrastructure for critical
data center environments.


Real-time monitoring, data-driven optimization.

Immersive software, innovative sensors and expert thermal services to monitor, manage, and maximize the power and cooling infrastructure for critical data center environments.


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